Cloud Printed Cross Stitch Cushion Kit by Vervaco

Happy New Year - Happy New Stitching Projects

Happy New Year! 

New for 2022, we have a range of quirky cross stitch kits designed by by Eva Moulton and manufactured by Vervaco. This range of chunky printed cross stitch cushion kits features a cloud, a croissant, a lemon, a crab, a cheetah, a cat and a penguin.

Each kit is stitched using hand painted 4.5 count canvas, thick acrylic yarn and comes with backing fabric.

These fun, easy, cross stitch kits are the perfect introduction for beginners to the cross stitching craft.


 Lemon Printed Cross Stitch Cushion Kit by VervacoCroissant Printed Cross Stitch Cushion Kit by VervacoCrab Printed Cross Stitch Cushion Kit by VervacoBlack and White Cat Printed Cross Stitch Cushion Kit by VervacoCloud Printed Cross Stitch Cushion Kit by VervacoPenguin Printed Cross Stitch Cushion Kit by VervacoCheetah Printed Cross Stitch Cushion Kit by Vervaco

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